What Salary Should You Pay - Or Earn?

Your guide to local salaries

Salary is at the heart of every successful offer. It sends a powerful message about the value you place on the job and your expectations of the person who will fill it.

Our Minneapolis salary guides are designed to be your easy-to-read, only what you need, data source. Our goal is to arm you with our expert insights and real-world salary ranges for the local Minnesota job market.

In your salary guide...

  • All salary information in this guide is specific to the Minneapolis & Chicago metro areas.
  • You'll see a range of salaries by job title that factor in company size.
  • All salary guides are a result of analyzing salaries from our own placement data, as well as projections by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (Deed), and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).


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